Deutsche Physikerinnentagung 2004


Registration Form

Deutsches Formular

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(150) ...participants have applied.

Attention! The participants who do not whish to have their names shown in the list of participants of our homepage, please send an email with your registration data to Do not register with this form!

The areas marked by (*) are compulsory!

Personal Data

Surname (*):
First Name(s) (*):
Academic Title:
Street (*):
ZIP Code(*):
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Email Address(*):
Explanation: Schülerin=pupil, Studentin=student, Physikerin an Uni/Forschungseinrichtung=physicist at university/research center, Industriephysikerin=physicist in industry, Hochschulprofessorin=professor, Leherin=teacher, sonstiges=other

Conference Fees

The amount of the conference fee is depends on your status. Please select your amount(*):
    Normal Price   Reduced Price   (PhD/DSc) students from Aachen and Jülich   Pupils or Invited Lecturers
after Oct. 1, 2004 60,- EUR 30,- EUR 15,- EUR 0,- EUR

Reduced prices are for (PhD/DSc) students. There are no daily tickets available!

Financial Correspondence

Please tranfer the conference fee to the account of

Hedwig Kohn Verein zur Förderung
von Frauen und Mädchen in der Physik e.V.

Account number: 908202955
banking code: 70150000

Please quote your name and a logogramm for your living place on the transfer form.If the money transfer is after 25.10.04, please bring a record of it to the conference.

Date of Arrival/Departure

Day of Arrival
Day of Departure

Your Contribution

The deadline for contributions has passed. Contributions other than posters can only be accepted in exceptional cases. Please, do not forget to send an abstract as well.

I would like to contribute with a:
Panel Discussion

Conference Dinner

For planning the conference dinner we need a definite statement whether you take part on the conference dinner or not.

I will definitly take part in the conference dinner!
I will not go to the conference dinner.

Guided Tours - Laboratories

You have the chance to visit either laboratories of the Research Centre Jülich or of the Aachen University (RWTH). Because of limited time it is not possible to attend both guided tours. The deadline for the Jülich tour has been exceeded. If you are interested in the Aachen tour, please give a definite answer.

I would like to visit laboratories of the Aachen University.
I will not attend either of the guided tours through the research laboratories.

Guided Tours - City of Aachen

After the conference you have the opportunity to join a guided city tour. If you are interested, please give a definite statement below.

I am interested in the guided city tour and will join.
I am NOT interested in the guided city tour.

I agree that the organizing commitee uses my personal data for conference purposes and for a list of participants on the conference homepage. My personal data will not be passed to other parties.(*)

or the formular.