The following speakers have been invited
- Claudia Felser (Opening talk): Heusler compounds: From semiconductors to spintronics
- Petra Schwille (public evening talk): Ist Leben konstruierbar? Eine synthetische Herangehensweise an die Biologie
and for plenary talks:
- Ana-Nicoleta Bondar: Hydrogen bonding and lipid interactions in GlpG protease function
- Cristina Chiappini: Galactic Archaeology: Tracing the Milky Way's History
- Giovanna Morigi: Ion Coulomb crystals: quantum dynamics at structural instabilities
- Patrycja Paruch: Ferroelectric domain walls as pathways to novel functional properties
- Anna Sanpera: A quantum information perspective in strongly correlated systems
- Vera Schlindwein: Eisbeben: Signalvielfalt und Warnsignale
- Anne Schukraft (Hertha Sponer awardee): Neutrinos from the far Universe
- Heike Theyssen: (Wie) Kann man die Experimentierfähigkeiten von SchülerInnen messen?
A poster session will take place on Friday afternoon. A poster prize will be awarded for the best poster.
"Exzellenz vor Ort" - Presentations from Post-Docs and group leaders from Dresden
Find here the short time table (also in pdf) and the full conference booklet with all contributions.